Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Following comprehensive assessment, all findings are collated to form individualised treatment programmes from a wide range of possible physiotherapeutic interventions to resolve, restore and maintain mobility, flexibility, stability, physical and neurological function, independence and performance.

Treatments for both humans and animals may include soft tissue and joint therapies such as myofascial and connective tissue release, massage, active assisted stretches, stabilisations, mobilisations, manipulations, postural corrections, trigger point therapy, reflex inhibition or recruitment, core stability training, taping, hot and cold therapies, electrotherapies such as laser, ultrasound, muscle stimulation and H-Wave.

Rehabilitation may also include prescriptive programmes including self-help techniques, mat-work, gait, pole, gymnastic, proprioceptive, stretching and conditioning exercises. Lead work, in-hand and ridden exercises (where appropriate) and/or home exercise regimes or follow up treatment sessions as required.

human soft tissueequine treatment backequine stretch treatmentcanine stepcanine polesequine rider treatmentequine EQ electro treatment